Greetings, Maze Dwellers! long time no see.
I thought I would share some images of my paper wargaming pieces I constructed today using the Internet, Word, glue, soda carton cardboard, and index cards.
I have recently taken an interest in historical battles and rulesets and I am preparing a wargame involving some Irish and Viking forces somewhere in Ireland in the 9th century!
I finished my warriors in about four hours and my next project will be a terrain map to serve as the locale of their hour of destiny.
I will update you on this project in ongoing posts.
I have some painted minis I plan on using as character pieces for leaders and shamans, etc, but for now, here are my flat token forces:
36 Viking Warriors
30 Irish Warriors
6 Irish Charioteers for Javelins
6 Irish Skirmishers
6 Irish Slingers
18 viking Archers
5 Viking Berserkers |