Today as a small diversion from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune I have cobbled together a simple minimalist combat system for running Barsoomian adventures.
I think it's pretty straightforward and while fairly random I imagine a GM could figure out a way to run some adventures on Barsoom with just this mechanic alone.
Obviously it doesn't deal with monsters, mass battles, air fights or other resolution mechanics but it could easily be tweaked to do just that and I may add some pages for these contingencies.
I'll probably do a prettier one at some point.
There is a surrender or flee outcome in withdrawing from a combat which will have to be adjudicated by the GM.
Tharks vs Man probably needs it's own page!
Hopefully someone can run a fun minimalist game with little prep!

Essentially, it works like this:
When a player is fighting a duel, it goes by Turns and all attacks are considered simultaneous-
The Turn-
The combatants (either player vs player or player vs NPC) each roll a d8.
Each number (except 8) generates a random attack or defense, as illustrated.
combatant's resulting attack/defense mode interacts with that of his
opponent in various ways-- either dealing damage or in some way
mitigating damage or, alternatively, resulting in no blows landed.
The results are applied and the next turn begins.
The descriptions of the 7 modes of defense and attack tells the combat result.
1. PARRY If your character gets this result, it will negate a THRUST or SLASH result by the opponent, and no blows are landed.
PARRY has no effect against a FLURRY and you will take d6 Damage.
has no effect against a FEINT and in fact opens you to be unbalanced by
that move losing next Turn, leaving you open to ANY damaging attack in
that Turn.
PARRY has no effect against WITHDRAW or DEFEND (No blows landed).
This result is optional at a combatant's discretion; they can ignore it
to stay in a fight though they will then be subject to full damage if
an opponent lands a blow.
A WITHDRAW move is not affected by the following moves at all: PARRY, FEINT, DEFEND or a foe also taking a WITHDRAW move.
using the WITHDRAW move, the retreating character is subject to any
damage by a blow landed from the foe but it will be 1/2 damage.
THRUST or FLURRY attack move will do a d6 of Damage to a WITHDRAWING
character but it is halved. A SLASH will do d3 Damage but halved.
is considered either Flight or Surrender to be adjudicated by the GM as
best fits the narrative. In general, setting and the books would
influence the GM's adjudication. Surrender would ideally be accepted,
and depending on the circumstances of the fight, the loser might have to
depart chastened, be taken prisoner for a prisoner exchange, or held
for ransom or negotiation.
WITHDRAW would be used only if the
combatant wished to preserve life; whether fleeing or surrendering, it
results in loss of Morale (see below).
FLURRY move will cause d6 damage to a foe irrespective of the other
combatant's move EXCEPT for a successful DEFEND Move on their part (See
DEFEND) or Halved Damage in the case of WITHDRAW.
not block damage from other 'landed blow" moves from a foe--if you get
FLURRY and a foe gets THRUST, for example, you will also be open to d6
damage and a SLASH will subject you to d3 damage.
A FEINT is obviously not a landed blow and will not block damage from
any landed blow. It's only actual effect works against a foe who has
rolled either DEFEND or PARRY- in such a case, it Unbalances that
opponent and they lose their next roll in the subsequent Turn.
A THRUST will do d6 Damage to a foe with the following exceptions:
PARRY knocks it aside, a WITHDRAW move halves any damage, and a
successful DEFEND move will deflect the blow completely.
6. SLASH A SLASH move works like THRUST except is does only d3 Damage.
A DEFEND result allows the character an opportunity of a die roll to
deflect any potentially damaging blow. If your foe has rolled THRUST,
FLURRY or SLASH, you will then both roll a d6. If your opponent rolls
higher, you have failed to DEFEND and will take full damage. If you roll
higher as the Defender, you take no damage and they did not land the
RULE OF 8 To roll an 8 on your Turn allows the
character to wait and see what the opponent rolls and then choose your
attack or defense mode as you will instead of random determination.
The only mechanical step in character creation! In rolling up
characters (I think using more than one, perhaps up to three is a good
idea and easy enough) a player (or GM in the case of NPCs) rolls a d6.
The resulting number is the number of d6 that will be rolled for Hit
Points. The player also gets to keep the original roll to add to their
Hit Points roll (this was not noted in the graphic).
Hit Point
totals stay current during an adventure, for simplicity they begin
afresh at a new session of play no matter where the group left off.
During the course of an adventure each player can roll up to (but never
exceeding) FOUR Morale Dice. They choose when to use these rolls, and
in fact they can save points generated by such a roll and use Morale
Points as desired. They can roll all four at once, three, a pair or
simply one; no restrictions. Morale points can be used to reduce any
damage from an attack or other adventuring mishap (trap, fall, etc).
Morale Points could also optionally be used for an added resolution
mechanic where a GM sets an odds factor to an attempted (non combat)
action, giving anywhere from a 1-5 in 6 chance of success (1 being
toughest odds) and the player could apply them to reduce their die roll
to facilitate a better chance on their roll or even automatic success.
Surrender or Flight from a Duel will cost an entire Morale Die! If this
happens to a player once, they will have only 3 Morale Dice to roll. If
they have already used all Morale Points they are in trouble because in
subsequent fights they will suffer an extra dice of damage due to being
Morale Points are obviously abstract and do not
actually increase Hit points but reduce damage due to inspired fighting.
They are restored at each session of play no matter where the game left
Special NPC's (bosses) would also have Morale Dice.
that's kind of it! I am working on a Man vs. Thark page which will
incorporate the outline of a Thark, whom, it turns out, can be divided
into 8 sections for combat rolling purposes- four arms, two legs, middle
section and head.
A page for fighting other monsters on Barsoom
might also be underway, simply for the sheer fun of it. I'm also
thinking of a Mass Combat page for larger battles. But really, this
little table could actually be used for monsters and Tharks too.
thoughts on such a proposed dueling system (and I had some feedback
from others): Yes, it is random. Some people have expressed they don't
like that. It could be customized to allow more choice but I did
want it to be on the level of a boardgame or wargame complexity for
quick resolve, and I also reasoned that it's based on dueling.
duel is based on skill but I think there is also that random element to
it, surprises, mishaps, etc and I feel that the random roll simulates
the action of a duel and builds in some fate and chance. A player does
have some more choice using the Rule of Eight and also deciding whether
or not to withdraw.
It's not a tactical system, more suited to
more narrative games. A GM and players would dictate how it would be
used--for example, if in a skirmish or ambush rather than a duel, it's
not highly suited to realism but it could be effectively used if a need
for realism is sacrificed for speed of play and story's sake. The GM
could simply run single duels between players and attackers as a Man to
man type situation and use narrative to resolve the rest.
alternatively, a "duel" could involve a player and two NPC's, with the
player simply engaging both of them using the same d8 Move system but